3 eguneko ibilaldia

Tolosako babarrun Ibilbidea

Tolosako babarrun Ibilbidea bisitatu nahiko zenuke?

We quote a taylor-made travel for you 

Visit bilbao from the sky


  • LIVE GUIDE: English, French, Spanish, Basque


Pick up in Hondarribia

Visit Guggenheim museum

Lunch in Garena restaurant

Return by helicopter


A copy of the DNI or passport is required when purchasing the ticket.

The duration of our route may vary according to ATC instructions or depending on the weather.

The company reserves the right to cancel or change flights, subject to climatic, technical or

administrative conditions.

We remind you that the maximum weight allowed per passenger is 110 kg. A weight greater

than 110 kg requires the purchase of a second seat.

In the event that the weather is not suitable for the return, 100% of the money will be



Please arrive at the airport 20 minutes before the flight.

Present the identification document or passport at the Iberia Handling counter

Iberia Handling agents will be in charge of welcoming you at the airport terminal and will

accompany you to the helicopter.

All travelers must go through metal detection and bag inspection.

Images Gallery

Premium plana
3.172,00€ / pax. -tik aurrera
What's included?

Pick up in Hondarribia

Visit Guggenheim museum

Lunch in Garena restaurant

Return by helicopter

Bizipen hau erreserbatu nahi al duzu?

Plan hau gustuko baduzu eta erreserbatu nahi baduzu ... 3 urrats besterik egin dezakezu.

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